Thursday 16 April 2020


Mathematics Chapter 1 Rational Numbers
Maths Rational Numbers
Rational Numbers
Addition and subtraction of rational numbers
Complete exercise 1.3

Complete Exercise 2.4


STD:VIII.                               SUB:MATHS
                   CHAPTER TEST : 1
1. What are the multiplicative and additive identities of rational numbers?
2. Write the additive inverse of 19/-6 and -⅔
3. Write the multiplicative inverse of -13/19 and -7
4. Mention a rational number which has no reciprocal.
5. Mention any 4 rational numbers which are less than 5.
6. Mention the commutativity, associative and distributive properties of rational numbers. Also, check a × b = b × a and a + b = b + a for a = ½ and b = ¾
7. Write any 5 rational numbers between −2/5 and ½.
8. If the product of any two rational numbers is 2 and one of them is 1/7, find the other?
9. Mr X went shopping with a certain amount of money. He spent Rs. 10(¼) on buying a pen and Rs. 25(¾) in food. He then gave the remaining Rs. 16(½) to his friend. Calculate how much money he initially had.
10. Represent −𝟐/𝟏𝟏, −𝟓/𝟏𝟏, and −𝟗/ 𝟏𝟏 on the number line.
Read and learn 

Understand and solve:

Complete exercise 5.1

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